Online Shopping


Online Shopping is the working title for a body of work exploring our engagement with the internet and the value of reproduction and simulation.

Comprising of a series of objects in porcelain and stoneware, juxtaposed with blocks of Chroma Key green screen, the sculptures are remakings of artworks found for sale on the vast Chinese online shopping forum Alibaba.

Remade, but distorted by the scaffolds that support them in the kiln, the surfaces range from faux marble, to bin bags, to pixelation and corruption by glaze.

Ostensibly presenting artworks available for sale, the Alibaba images used to make these sculptures have themselves been lifted from websites of organisations such as MOMA and the V&A Museum, adding another layer of reproduction and falsehood into the growing digital narrative.

Photos by John McKenzie.


Installation view of the exhibition ‘Online Shopping’, held at Ltd Ink Corporation, 2020.


Vandalised Sculptures